Every US government employee is at risk of blackmail for the next 40 years


The Office of Personnel Management data breach was a 2015 data breach targeting Standard Form 86 (SF-86) U.S. government security clearance records retained by the United States Office of Personnel Management (OPM)

I just realized that Standard Form 86 contains around 6 relatives of every high security clearance government employee

People can change passwords, but they cannot change relatives.

I think USA needs to immediately fire every government employee and hire another set which has never completed SF-86 before.

Because USA is compromised inside out and at every level.

For all we know drug cartels are already running USA and have access to nukes.

Source: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Standard_Form_86

Source: https://fedscoop.com/opm-losses-a-40-year-problem-for-intelligence-community




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