Identity of Satoshi Nakamoto


TL;DR: It is Felix Brandt, Professor of Computer Science, Technische Universität München

Thanks to Deep Learning based stylometry it is possible to analyze computer code, emails and academic publications to guess who Satoshi might have been. Somebody did that. This is their finding:

The source code for this paper’s findings are removed from Github. So I had to guess who “1316-FC03-16-Brandt” is. I think it is the 16th paper published in the Financial Cryptography journal in 2003. The author is Felix Brandt, who is a Professor of Computer Science, at the Technische Universität München.

He seem to be involved in the intersection of microeconomics, cryptography, consensus under anonymity (in auctions), algorithmic game theory and so on.

In 2003, I am guessing Felix was inspired by papers about E-Cash in the journals he published in. E-Cash a previous effort to create something like Bitcoin.

Felix is also into SAT Solvers, and that will explain why he used double hashing. He thought a lot about creating consensus under mutual distrust.

I won’t be making a fuss about this, because it is best if we do not divide and rule everyone by crucifying this person with fame and scandal. Most likely he saw further, because he stood on the shoulders of giants.




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